We are all part of an entire social community and it can never be removed from us. Communication is the way for us to achieve this. Body language, basic oral communication and other forms won’t matter as long as man can pass on to others what is in his mind or feelings. Issues cannot be brought up or resolved without communication. Relationships cannot be developed if communication is non-existent.
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Born to communicate
By nature, we are born to communicate with other people and deal with them. Many times we have seen through history and in daily affairs how people’s lives are changed for the better or worse through exact or lack of communication.
Communication is important. The following causes below will show you why communication is important:
Personal relationships
1. In personal relationships, we can express our feelings to others and let them know what makes us happy or what makes us mad. Doing this will let others learn how to treat you or how to relate with you. Through communication, you let those around you know what you want them to know. You get to know also what others want or need from you.
Social relationships
2. In social relationships, communication enables you to make new friends. Also, communication is an effective tool for repairing broken relationships. Misunderstandings are also the result of ineffective communication and with a correct communication can restore that broken relationship.
Work relationships
3. In work relationships, new ideas can be presented to others, instructions on the job can easily be noted. Those in command can effectively pass to his workers what needs to be done. The workers, too, and other subordinates can communicate what performance they have achieved or needs that have to be addressed by the company.
Increase your communication skills constantly. No matter how busy you are, you should not neglect the one key to your success which is good communication to your clients and business partners. All the relationships can find positive fulfilment if the line of communication among the people is allowed to flow through that relationship. These reasons clearly point out the basic importance of communication.
How to improve your communication skills?
Be a good listener
Think before you speak `
Maintain eye contact
Keep things simple
Write your ideas down
Care about your body language
Ask feedback
Know your audience
Record your presentations

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