As a business owner, you might want to have your hand in every element of your company’s success.
That approach is very understandable.
After all, you have made it this far through your own hard work.
However, you can’t do it all alone.
You will get more results if you can master how to delegate better to your workers.
Learning how to delegate work appropriately will increase your productivity and multiply your efforts.
The tips below will guide you on how to delegate better.
How To Delegate Better
1. Learn to Trust Your Team
The hardest part about delegating leadership is learning to trust your employees to handle small and large tasks.
Mastering how to delegate work is all about letting go of a little bit of your leadership of the company and giving your managers and employees the chance to make decisions on their own.
Any successful business owner is going to struggle to achieve this delicate balance.
Many are type-A personalities who (understandably) want to control their environment as much as possible.
However, you can’t assume that your managers and employees don’t know what they are doing.
After all, you hired them for a reason and need to give them a chance to move out from your leadership shadows.
When learning how to delegate tasks effectively, you are permitting yourself to trust that they will do the right thing at the right time.
A big part of this process is understanding not only the skills and abilities of your employees and managers but knowing who should do each task.
As a result, you’re going to need to get to know each of your employees as much as possible.
You might not be able to meet everyone individually and sit down over coffee to discuss the ways you are delegating work to them.
You just don’t have time for that, and neither do they.
Instead, you can trust your manager’s opinions of each employee and take the time to read up on their personal skills and abilities.
2. Gauge the Personality of Each Team Member
When you are trying to master how to delegate tasks to your team, knowing what each member can handle is critical to your success.
Talk to your managers about the employees that they work with and learn more about their personality.
Write down each person’s name and assess their strengths and weaknesses.
For example, you can find out if one person tends to be a bit slow to finish their work or if they enjoy taking on extra tasks.
You can also gauge how well individuals work under pressure.
This extra information helps you learn to delegate because it provides you with a better grasp of what each employee has to offer you.
Just as importantly, it can create a more in-depth understanding of how they will react to specific tasks.
For example, you will find that some individuals will enjoy doing simple and repetitive tasks, such as filing paperwork.
Others will enjoy creating detailed plans and directly executing them.
The latter employees are particularly crucial for your success in a way that will be discussed later.
When learning to delegate in this way, you are also enhancing your understanding of the people in your business.
You can find out if your office is filled with fun-loving individuals or those who are more serious about their work.
In this way, you can not only master learning to delegate but can also gauge how to motivate each employee to higher levels of success.
3. Assess Their Unique Personal Skills
Now that you better understand all of your employees’ personalities on a deeper level, you can use that information to start delegating work based on their skills.
Gauging their skills must be done after you learn more about their personality.
That’s because a person’s personality is often tied heavily to their skills.
When you try to learn how to delegate, it is also critical to know how to read a person’s work history in a way that correctly gauges their skills.
For example, you might find that one of your employees found a solution to a problem that baffled everyone else.
They did this by drawing on experience outside of the situation.
Intelligent problem solvers like this are critical to consider when you are learning how to delegate.
That’s because they will be skilled enough to learn how to delegate on their own.
They are also likely to be great thinkers and strategizers for your business.
On the other hand, different employees might be more skilled at directly taking orders and executing them fully.
These people are the best employees for simple tasks, such as sorting through mail and finding appropriate letters.
Therefore, the most important method you can consider when mastering how to delegate effectively is classifying your employees into thinkers and doers.
Thinkers should be part of your leadership squad while the doers execute all of your plans and strategies.
4. Examine Your Larger Task Needs
Now that you have a good idea of the skills that your team provides, you can begin delegating leadership based on your larger tasks.
A big part of mastering how to delegate tasks effectively is knowing what needs to be done and how best to achieve it.
Delegating effectively in this way requires taking a look at the larger task or problem that you are trying to solve.
For example, let’s say that your quarterly sales are down because fewer people are ordering your product online.
Delegating effectively requires taking a look at the broader picture behind this problem.
This could be poor marketing decisions or a weak Search Engine Optimization presence.
You also need to examine how far your sales are down and examine any elements that outside your control, such as the strength of the economy.
Then, you can delegate larger tasks to your team in a way that makes it easier for your managers to delegate to others.
For example, you can put one group in charge of examining economic pressure.
You can then put another in control of your marketing presence and gauging why it is failing you.
In this way, you create a team that can handle larger projects without your constant presence.
5. Break Down Each Task Into Small Steps
At this point, your delegation skills should have made it easier for your managers to delegate to others on their team.
However, you should also go one step further and break down your delegation into smaller tasks.
For example, your marketing team from the previous example needs to break down their examination of the problem in smaller and easier to understand steps.
One individual could examine your company’s use of high-presence keywords on your online content.
Another could then observe how quickly people use your ordering form and whether any issues make it hard to manage.
For instance, they might notice a security issue that locks out people in certain parts of the world.
They can bring this issue to the attention of their manager to make a decision.
Successful delegation of this type should make it easier for your employees to make tough decisions without needing your help.
While you should obviously be aware of any serious issues plaguing your business, you need to trust your managers to make the right decision on how to fix them.
Stepping back a bit from the situation should make it easier for you to implement better delegation ideas without compromising your managers’ authority levels.
6. Make These Problem-Solving Groups Independent
So far, these examples have focused on creating specific types of problem-solving groups that can tackle an individual scenario.
However, you need to make teams that are capable of handling any number of problems.
For example, your marketing team can continually track the success and struggles of your online marketing and find ways to improve it.
These groups should know when to work together and when to step back and do their own thing.
The idea here is that your delegation groups will be independent and do what needs to be done without continually reporting back to you.
This way you are cutting their apron string by limiting your constant presence in their decision making.
Naturally, you should have a system for tracking this progress that is easy for you and your managers to understand.
Weekly written reports are often a good way for you to follow your business success.
You can step in if something is going wrong.
However, your successful delegation relies on creating teams that can operate without your direct influence.
These teams should be confident enough to handle complex tasks.
7. Don’t Be Afraid to Let Go
The toughest part of mastering how to delegate better is to know when to step back and let your teams do their own thing.
You naturally want to track how they are doing and help them in any way that you can.
Any good business owner is like a mother and a father to their company.
They often have a nurturing and caring side that is heavily balanced by their drive to succeed.
As a result, effective delegation is all about knowing when to delegate tasks and when to do them yourself.
There are some things that only you will be able to do for your business.
For example, only you can decide to merge with or to buy another company out.
Letting your managers make this decision is not wise, though they should advise you on how to react to this change.
Just as importantly, you need to know when to let go of smaller tasks, even if you enjoy doing them.
For example, if you liked doing your own accounting in the past, you need to consider letting others do it for you.
Additionally, look for more areas you can delegate.
For example, consider letting your managers make decisions about who to hire, who to fire, and ways to balance your budget.
Giving them this authority increases your business efficiency.
8. Adjust Your Process When Necessary
Mastering how to delegate better includes setting up a team you can delegate to and a process that works for your needs.
You can’t be afraid to adjust this process when necessary.
That’s because there is a strong chance that inertia, team change, or old ideas could make your teams inefficient.
For example, a marketing manager who once made strong decisions could be behind the curve when Google updates its Search Engine Optimisation algorithms.
This fact doesn’t mean that you need to immediately get rid of anybody who is causing a struggle in your delegation process.
In fact, effective delegation is all about investing in the right people and trusting them to succeed.
Give your struggling managers a chance to adapt to the changes to become better at their job.
Keeping an employee who is already trained and who knows your process and is able to improve is better than blindly firing them and hoping you find an appropriate replacement.
However, there are instances in which you just can’t delegate tasks to somebody anymore.
If you don’t trust an employee to do the right thing, let them go.
Firing an employee should only be done as a last resort.
Most people can change and improve if given a chance and when provided with high-quality positive criticism of their work.
You have to put your company first.
This is irrespective of how hard it will be for the individual you fire or the impact it will have on your delegation process.
9. Gauge Your Delegation Success
Once every quarter or so, you should sit down and gauge the success of your delegation process.
It is critical to ask yourself a variety of questions to see if you’ve done a good job creating a team that can make decisions on their own.
For example, you should ask the following questions first to see if everything is running as smoothly as possible:
- Are decisions being made more effectively?
- Were these choices the right ones for your business?
- Are tasks getting finished on time and without any delay?
- Did any of your managers make a decision that seemed self-serving or questionable?
- Is there anybody who doesn’t seem to be pulling their weight or who may be acting lazy?
- What kind of mistakes or errors have been occurring and why?
- Which part of your delegation team is making these errors and why?
- Is a certain individual making a majority of these mistakes?
- Why is that person continuing to make the same errors?
- Can this person be trained to perform their job better or should they be let go?
- Does any confusion pop up over who is in charge of making certain decisions?
- Do you fully trust your team to make the right decision every time?
- Has any group or individual cost you excessive money?
- And, most importantly, is this process increasing profits?
Don’t be afraid to adjust your delegation system if you find that it is lacking.
Talk to your managers to gauge where the problems are arising.
Tweak the process using their suggestions or your own to find a solution that works for everyone.
If you follow the nine steps above on an ongoing basis, your delegation skills should be incredibly high.
You should now have a team of workers who know how to respond to problems on their own and who can manage them without your help.
You should also have a team that knows what to handle and what to escalate to you.
Know when to intervene and assert your authority in order to get things done.
Consider your delegation team to be like an old-fashioned pocket watch.
You might need to wind them up once in a while, otherwise they work like clockwork.
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