In life, we can not stay stagnant because that is when many issues begin to arise.
When we get stagnant, we get stuck, and life no longer flows and comes easily.
Everything becomes more difficult when we feel stuck.
When we're stuck in a job we hate, a relationship that no longer serves us, or in the same negative thought patterns, we're putting the brakes on our lives and keeping ourselves in situations we don't want to be in.
We do this because all though we don't like these situations, we feel comfortable in those situations because they're all we know.
Many of us would rather stay miserable in the known, than feeling the discomfort and uncertainty of the unknown.
Our known world is what we feel comfortable in because it grounds us in being who we think we are.
Comfort is the true enemy as comfort is the destroyer of countless dreams.
When we get too comfortable we get lazy, we get complacent, and we stop working on ourselves.
To get past this we must explore the unknown and embrace the uncomfortable feeling that comes along with it.
The unknown is uncomfortable because we're leaving the comfort of the known and going out into a whole new world filled with infinite possibilities, and this can be fucking terrifying.
Leaving a job you've been at for 5+ years, ending a relationship you've had for years, or moving to a new city are all scary things because we're taking a risk where we don't know what comes after.
This not knowing worries us because as humans we naturally worry and lean towards thinking of all the negative things that could happen.
But instead, we need to consciously focus and write down all the potential positives that could come from this change and why we believe this is what we're being called to do.
When we embrace change and going out into the unknown in this state of mind we allow the change to flow more easily and can turn the fear and anxiety of change, into joy and excitement, as we embark on a whole new journey filled with new adventures, new challenges, and new relationships.
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