What are you overlooking?
For all Businesses and Entrepreneurs, there will be times of struggle or feeling stuck, those ups and downs….
They’ll be times when we think we aren’t good enough, we can’t get over this hurdle, it’s too stressful, too much, too overwhelming and I’m sure we can add a whole lot more emotions and thoughts here about our experiences in times of struggle.
Frankly, this journey isn’t for the faint-hearted.
We do need grit determination courage and discipline, and we do need to be able to see our struggles as a learning point, a challenge to overcome so we move through to mastering yet one more step.
Let’s get straight into this…could you be overlooking any of these 5 Possible reasons???
1. It’s all about Your Comfort Zone.
It’s lovely to stay safe, not take risks. But this doesn’t and won’t allow you to grow and develop.
You need to step outside of your Comfort Zone and consider that all the things people are telling you to do and aren’t.
You aren’t doing these things because you feel uncomfortable doing them or you just have never done it before, or understand how to…
Whatever the reason why you are not doing these things, these are the very things you need to do, develop, and change.
Are you taking baby steps?
Are you exploring?
Are you listening right now and willing to admit to yourself this applies to you?
The more you go out of your comfort zone the bigger you’ll grow and expand.
2. Have you given up too quick? Simple answer…’ Yes’ or ‘No?’ BE HONEST.
Are you a perfectionist and just can’t put anything out there because YOU don’t think it is good enough?
This tells me one thing. You’re scared of putting yourself out there.
When we start out in anything we are scared, we either give up cause it’s easy to give up right? Or you persevere and learn what you need to master it.
Are you a quitter? Quitters never win!
It’s hard to learn the skills to be a Marketer, Entrepreneur, and run your own Business.
It’s hard but if you quit…you made that choice and can not blame anyone or anything else, you didn’t stick at it.
We all compare ourselves with others. What people have got, their lifestyles, what their results are. You gotta remember that everyone is different at different stages in their business journey and their strategies are going to be different from yours.
So the one thing you SHOULD QUIT is comparing yourself.
Be inspired by others, know that they have been through everything you have, and will be on that roller coaster ride for the life of their business just like you. Be realistic.
3. All about branding.
Please please please don’t use a company brand. Use YOU – Brand YOU.
When you hide behind the company it becomes all about the company.
Stand out from the crowd in whatever you are offering.
Do your research, don’t just copy and paste what someone else is doing with the same product.
Build YOU. Build your authority, have your followers, and give them consistent value from you.
4. Maybe…just maybe you are doing too much learning.
Are you always getting ready but never quite stepping into taking ACTION and getting your content out there?
At some point, you need to go for it. Do it.
You will find your method, it’ll be what you are good at and enjoy.
If you have 2 hours a day spend, don’t just do one thing like reading. Ensure that you do 1 hour of reading and 1 hour of taking action. (The doing bit)
This way you will make mistakes, you’ll find out more about how you work, what you need to learn more to help you. You’ll find out what stops you from moving forward. More importantly what to do next.
Right here is your momentum.
So don’t forget to put what you know and have learned into action.
There are people out there waiting for you.
They need what you know.
You have the solution to their problem.
Share what you know, are expert in, and are Learning… NOW.
5. Recognize what results really are.
When I first started out, I was hungry for the money and hugely hung up on this. I always thought that if I saw the money coming in then this was the result that would tell me I was doing something right.
Do you think this way?
Well, it’s normal but every step on your business journey is a result and this is the key.
Changing this mindset will challenge you to look more broadly at what results are. This will move you forward and allow you to grow more swiftly and become an expert.
Your results come in many forms. In metrics, data, comments from people, rejections, disapproved ads…all this information tells you something and this is a result for you.
What got you your first sale?
What are people liking?
What are people clicking more on?
Listen and watch.
Make evaluations and then make decisions to tweak and test again what you have or scale up on the things that are popular.
Each step is a result.
Is there something missing from your business right now? or do you just need an education program that will give you the steps to build your confidence skills, knowledge, and motivate you to build your business on Social Media in this Digital World?
I wanted to know how I could use my time and money more effectively to connect with new customers using the internet from home.
I'd wasted so much money and was frustrated. I had so many gaps in my understanding of marketing but didn't know what they were, I needed this program.
Now I coach others to do the same and build Online and be able to Market any product without rejection or chasing people.
Are you network marketer and struggling to get earn?just relax and be solution oriented instead of problem oriented!! firstly find you are lie in which category
- Are you treat this profession as a lottery ticket and hopingto hit it big with as little effort as possible Then you are POSERS
- Are you Focus on Different things?like my upline is not good.if he/she supports me in this way then now i achieved this type of income. are you thinking that Did I get in early enough? Could I be the youngest top-Earner person in the company?How many other leaders were already in my local market?Were there too many to compete against?Did I miss the growth curve?is there any shortcut to reach at top?was i in the right organisation? Then you are AMATEURS
- The third category is PRO. In PRO category you have skill you practice practice practice and practice of that skills.
Both POSERS & AMATEURS are get bored and disappointed after a few days and said that in Network marketing there is not money and those earn money they are lucky.
I hope this article help you to Get again motivate and you will be lie in PRO category in order to earn enough.All the best For upcoming hurdles in your Life.
As with any business, only 20% makes good and only 5% earns huge sum. Most network marketing people don't understand this concept and also don't follow the instructions, rules and do the necessary work required.
I'm involved in the NM business since 1996…and currently working on a hybrid model. It's not about the money only.Its more of a lifestyle.
Some of requisites:
- Make a comprehensive list and keep updating it.
- Choosing the right company and right product
- Everyday, make at least 10 calls and meet 5 people… make new friends and relationship
- Use the products regularly and share the benefits
- Attend meetings of the organization and attend training…also keep learning… read,read and read about the market, leadership, personal development…
- Don't push people too often..
- Follow up regularly…
- Make yourself presentable…be a professional, behave and look like one
- It's a business…treat it so
However, most of the people don't follow these and give up too soon.
It's a very promising and progressive profession…
For more information message me.
Make money run behind you.
Because most of them running after Money when this business is all about make money run behind you.
Asking about each and every one successful in MLM or any traditional business is like expecting each and every student to get first rank in the class.
I you are really serious about being successful in MLM then do call me on 9825801532.
Our success lies in your success.
Wishing you much happiness and success in your life and business.
Wish You Wellth
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Stay Home Stay Safe.
Wish You Wellth.