The Best Places to Prospect for Network Marketing
There are two forms of business building activities you should be doing. There’s prospecting which every network marketing company teaches their reps. This is can be where you make your list of friends and family and everyone in your cell phone that you know and you reach out to them. Then you have marketing, this is where you create a piece of content, such as a social media status update, video or blog post etc and you hope that someone reaches out and responds it.
You can find prospects online or offline. Most people today love the idea of using the internet to build their network marketing business. Some of the best places to prospect for network marketing is social media. Places like Facebook and Instagram just to name a few. In the video below I share some great places you can tap into for some offline prospecting as well.
IF you’re going to use social media make sure you have a non spammy profile. What do I mean by that? If you have your company name or logo all over it or if majority of your status post is “join my team” stuff there is a good chance that when someone comes to take a look at it they are going to look the other way. I also would recommend not discussing anything political or religion wise on your profile. Those type of conversations usually don’t turn out very well.
If you want to step up your prospecting game, start educating. Get to know what your target market is struggling with. All it takes is a little research for you to find this out. You can use social media to educate them, inspire them with quotes. Be the type of person people want to be around like positive, up beat. Those are the types of qualities that will attract the right people to you.
If you want to know how to meet people for network marketing just use the same approach as you would use in any other social gathering. You just have a normal conversation. Don’t get all weird with trying to pitch them your business instead just look for ways to bring it up and spark their interest. Maybe they say something along the line of how they wished they had extra money coming in or how they are wanting to lose some weight. The point is listen for ways that your product or service can actually help them.
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